Saturday, July 19, 2014

Hiking + Outdoors = Bigfoot sightings world wide. 
Of course you have to take into consideration, Seasons and Location.

Thursday  July 18th
Third Annual Rainie Falls Hiking Trip - Southern Oregon (completed)

Well I did it. And it was Awesome. It has been in the mid to high 90's here in Southern Oregon. We have had unusual weather this year. And this has causing many environmental concerns for our area. I myself have seen too many dry creek beds already this summer and that is very concerning for our native migrating fish. The State of Oregon and many other organizations have gone to great extent to work toward saving our migrating Fish form near extinction. And now mother nature plays her card again.

Not everything is meant to survive. And this is what many people think, especially those who have not seen or heard other proof  for them selves. But Bigfoot EXISTS. Environmentally speaking in truth here in Southern Oregon they have everything they need to exist and thrive happily. .

Elevation  - Bigfoot does migrate sort of. They follow the food. Its that simple. In many cases like in Southern Oregon & Northern California. The Climate is nearly perfect to go camping all year around. When our weather in one area gets to unbearably hot, we naturally start planning our family camping trips further west to the Oregon Coast where its cooler. As long as they have forests enough to conceal there privacy from the world they will continue to Thrive on the West Coast as they have so far.

Food - They have everything. Nuts, Berry's, Fruit, Kelp, Crab, Fish (I'm talking about the Salmon run Twice annually. In the Spring and in the Fall) Down near Rainie Falls on the Rogue River the fish even jump out of the river on to the banks during the runs. So they don't even have to work that hard for it.also keep in mind Deer and Elk are also both abundant.

Water - What we all need to survive. Need I say more. Annually our Lakes & Ponds are filled during our winter rainfall. From Mountain (See Elevation) our rivers are fed annually from snow run off, and natural springs and creeks. A large amount of Bigfoot sighting are near a consistent water source.

I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything I don't have to. This just makes sense, because its all natural. There are signs all around us if we just open our eyes. Now it is time that we need to accept and protect our Oregon Bigfeets.

Thank you! 
Krysta Garrison

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

We live in Bigfoot territory.,.

Its has been a bit of an unusual season here in Southern Oregon, but Summer ....Is....Here!!!! And we have had quite a few recent Bigfoot Sightings & Reports in Oregon already. 

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May 4 2013 - Was the date - It was at This remote Southern Oregon location - That I became a contactee. When the Bigfoot, I call Sam chose me. 

Today was awesome. My brother Jed had the day off from working so he invited me out to Merlin, our old stomping grounds for the day. He loves being out doors as much as I do.
 He spends all of his off time Camping, Fishing and Gold-panning in and around the Rogue Valley. =
Coincidentally, he is camping less than one mile from where I had my encounter on 5-4-2013 When a 81/2 - 9 foot tall Bigfoot cross the road in front of me. He clearing it easily in just two leaps then went straight up a 80 to 90 degree embankment. It has been little over a year now and I thought I would have the nerve to venture back in the woods in that area.I have been back out that way a few times since then. but it is different for me now, Ive since done my homework and know they stay on the move. I have talked with some exceptional individuals and I am no longer frightened or distraught. I go out cautiously but confidently.
Google Map Pic of the location just past the sighting.
This pic I took today. Rite at the tree on the left

 This is my own drawing of the Bigfoot I saw that nite.

Google Map of the Rogue River & my sighting location.
The Rogue River in Wild Southern Oregon